Divine N Promise
"Real Life" 6-Volume Book Series
Announces the New Release of the First Volume "Divine N Promise: A Difficult Journey"
About the Author:
Karen B. McLean Dade
Dr. Dade (formerly Donaldson) has authored such works as: "Through Students Eyes", "Shattering the Denial" and "Antiracist Social Justice Theatre Arts Makes a Difference in the Classroom." Understanding the need for "real life" literature for youth, she presents us with a new six-volume series for middle/secondary school classrooms.
New Release!! Volume I "Divine N Promise: A Difficult Journey"
Real Life Divine N Promise Series Overview:
“Divine N Promise” is a sequential six volume series that speaks to cultural values, educational motivation, peer pressure, racial and social challenges facing young people. It is written in several idioms such as Standard English, Black English, and contemporary youth dialect, as well as some conversational Spanish and African languages. The series uses a storytelling genre, and although the series is fiction it is a compilation of experiences of hundreds of youth who desired to have their stories told.
Each volume has a subtitle and features one of the following themes:
· Race
· Sex/Gender
· Class
· Ability
· Language
· Religion
Goals and Objectives:
Divine N Promise: Literacy is a priority for student success. There is a need to address the gaps that challenge underserved youth regarding academic achievement. Most students from grade school through college do not read enough. As a researcher and educator dedicated to “the student point of view,” the author focuses on the necessity to “keep it real” for youth. Understanding the advantages of creative, cross cultural and global infusion into basic subjects, the series is designed to enhance reading motivation and assists transformation needs for 21st century education.
Primary Reading Audience: Middle and Secondary school students, Families, and Education Advocates
Marketing - Target Agencies: Schools/School Districts, Afterschool Literacy Programs, Juvenile Systems, Libraries, and other Family and Education Agencies
Media Modalities:
1. Phase One: Hardcopy books (include: strategy toolbox for conflict resolution, vocabulary building, comprehension, and guided discourse)
2. Phase Two: CD/eBook (include: strategy toolbox for conflict resolution, vocabulary building, comprehension and guided discourse)
3. Phase Three: Children’s Television Series
Abbreviated Introduction:
At the time my mother and father made us they were both living in the projects. My mom lived with her parents, who were hardworking but just didn’t make enough to get out of the projects. My dad lived with his aunt and uncle with about 10 cousins. Mom and dad were something like childhood sweethearts. They ended up having us right out of high school. They got married when mom got pregnant, and moved in with my grandparents. They were teenage parents that worked, started community college, and had us all at the same time. We spent a lot of our time with grandma and grandpa because our parents were too busy trying to save money to get us out of the projects.
The projects were pretty run down. There were many good people who lived there but, we also had gangs, drugs, and gun shots always going off. Dad said when people can’t see a way out for themselves they often give up caring. My parents wanted us in a safer environment.
When we were eight years old mom and dad were finally ready to pay the down payment for our new house. Well, it was an older house and needed to be fixed up, but our daddy was handy like that. He said he could make it like new.
The night before mom and dad planned to go pay the bank for the house our grandparents gave us a party and lots of family, friends and neighbors came with gifts for our new home. Everybody seemed happy for us but, I guess that was not the case. Me and Promise went with our parents the next day. Somebody must have told that we were taking our money to the bank because just as we came outside some thugs came up to daddy with a gun and told him to give up the money. Daddy tried to put up a fight as he yelled to mommy to get us back to the house. It was the worst day of our lives. They shot and killed our daddy, and took the money and grazed me with a bullet too. We were all screaming and crying, and that’s the day I lost my hearing in my right ear, and the day we lost our childhood. Mom and Promise were so broke down I couldn’t think about not hearing or about daddy, ‘cause I had to take care of them.
This is mine and Promise’s story. We are about to graduate from high school now. Looking back, so much has happened since that day our daddy died. We have been poor, rich, separated, traveled and lived in different countries, learned different languages and about other cultures, and about stuff that goes on in the world. We hope that we will lift you up even higher than you are and educate a bit, and take you vicariously through our journeys. Oh, we are going to use some big vocabulary. Be prepared to look words up in the dictionary if you are not familiar with them. We’ve learned that you need to be able to read, write and communicate well to be successful in this world. Hold on though, because some of this story is real tough to read, but you’ll get through it just fine and become a stronger person. One of our teachers insisted that we tell our story because of our unbelievable experiences and adventures and our tenacity to survive and thrive. Actually, this story has gone from a writing assignment to a book series, amazing huh?
Divine N Promise
Book Cost: $ 14.95 per book
How to order :
Send order request to profk1954@yahoo.com A reply invoice email will follow and include fields for item detail, quantities, tax and shipping. Option 1: You will receive an email with instructions on how to pay using PayPal. It is not required for you to have a PayPal account using this process. Option 2: Send money order to MIDC, Inc. P.O. Box 1135 Austell, GA 30168.
Your request email must include: Book Title - Divine N Promise: A Difficult Journey (Vol. I), ISBN number: 978-0-9824281-0-8
*Schedule of Bookstores/Booksigning Receptions to be announced soon.
For further inquiries email profk1954@yahoo.com
KO Publishers
a subsidiary of
Multicultural International Development Corporation (MIDC, Inc.)
Dr. Karen Donaldson the work you do is amazing. It is wonderful to see how much of a difference you make in peoples lifes just by caring and putting your heart and soul into everything you do. I aplaud you. God Bless!
Tomiko O'Neil
My Sister,
You are so inspirational! Dedicated and devoted to the work that you do, I know that you touch the lives of many... including me!
Love U,
Love your new blog! What a great medium you've created to inform, promote and discuss issues of social justice and multicultural education while sharing important findings and in-depth research in these areas. And WOW! What an impressive body of work!! Books written, articles published. Professional speaker. In demand around the world! How do you find time to be such a great wife and mother? You're an incredible wonder woman!
Amazed in Austell,
C. Edward Dade
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